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How to Make Multi-Column Combo Boxes in MS Access

Sometimes users need more information in a combo box before they can make a selection. In this episode we’ll look at how to remedy this situation by making a multi-column combo box (aka. drop-down list) that shows more information to the user when they make a selection. See how to add many columns to a list, adjust the list width, and optionally store an ID number for the row instead of the default text selection that the user makes. Additionally, I show how to bind this combo to your table (aka. Record Source) so that the selected results are store there.

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3 Reasons Why You Should Learn Data Techniques

Find 3 big reasons why you should learn data techniques if you are a professional or business person.

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The Professional Problem, 3 Things They Need, and 1 They Don't Have

Why do people constantly run into problems with their data, even when they are highly trained in their area?

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Why Finding Uniqueness is the Key: 6 Methods to Help

Find out why keys and uniqueness are so important for data transformation and data analysis.

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When to Excel and When Not To: Why Specialists Don't Use Excel for Data Transformations

Start your journey in data transformation, and learn why specialists don't use Excel to transform raw data for analysis.

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