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How to Extract Data from SQL Server Using vb.Net, SqlClient, and ConfigurationManager

Part 2 of 2: In this video aimed at analysts starting to use programming in their solutions, we'll learn how to connect to SQL Server via code and extract data. The previous video in our advanced playlist showed how to extract data from Oracle databases, and this video was promised in the making.

So, not only will we show how to extract SQL Server data, we'll show how you can integrate the data with data of other types (in this case Oraacle) using ADO.Net datasets. Having a console application or script allows you to automate data transformations that support your analytics, because you can schedule them to run overnight, or hourly, or whenever you want transformations to happen. This is particularly important when your transformations consume large amounts of data.

Click Here to watch Part 1 of 2 to see how the Oracle data got there.

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