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How to Use Append in Python Pandas

Knowing how to put two similar lists together is a very important skill for data engineers. In SQL we might just use the Union query to do this, but in Pandas we use the Append method. This will create one big list from two smaller lists of similar structure. Also, we’ll look at how to use the existing indexes, or ignore those to create a new unique index, and how to verify integrity during the append operation. This is an important skill for your toolkit!

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3 Reasons Why You Should Learn Data Techniques

Find 3 big reasons why you should learn data techniques if you are a professional or business person.

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The Professional Problem, 3 Things They Need, and 1 They Don't Have

Why do people constantly run into problems with their data, even when they are highly trained in their area?

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Why Finding Uniqueness is the Key: 6 Methods to Help

Find out why keys and uniqueness are so important for data transformation and data analysis.

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When to Excel and When Not To: Why Specialists Don't Use Excel for Data Transformations

Start your journey in data transformation, and learn why specialists don't use Excel to transform raw data for analysis.

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